Every time Subsect brings a demo to Des Moines everyone always leaves saying that was the best demo yet! That was pretty much what was on every one's mind leaving Skate South on Sunday Oct 25th! The REAL team killed it from start to finish. The crazy thing to me was that this was the first demo that Dan or Kevin didn't have to scream on the microphone to get all the kids off the floor to let the demo start. As soon as the team got there and started skating they didn't mess around and it didn't take too long for everyone to stop skating and watch. This weekend definitely goes down in Subsect history of awesomeness!
So if you do not have a blogger or gmail account and have tried to leave a comment you probably noticed you couldn't. Well I had it blocked but it should work now. So start leaving comments and hey let's start here...who thinks the Berrics post of steve getting arrested is fake??? Comments please!