Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday at the Rink 12/30/09

Brandon Weatherly - Front Blunt

Brandon Weatherly - Crail Grab

Grant Puckett - Tail Slide

Chris Schnell - Back Tail

Andy Mack - Nose Blunt

Friday, December 25, 2009

Myspace Bootleggin

Just came across the mobbed mafia video after myspace surfin. If you like what you see, and you should, stop by Subsect and buy a copy.

Mobbed Mafia 2 from Joe Bonen on Vimeo.


What's up with updates?

I hope you all understand that updates are pretty much impossible with mother nature kicking our ass this winter. We will try and bring you some rink stuff and maybe a bit more, hopefully. Until then we hope you all had a great Christmas and Santa hooked it up with some Subsect goodies. Oh and if any of you have some good stuff email me and I'll add it on the site! StumbleUpon

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mack Montage

Here's a little more from Andy shredding, as usual!

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