Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fixed it

So if you do not have a blogger or gmail account and have tried to leave a comment you probably noticed you couldn't. Well I had it blocked but it should work now. So start leaving comments and hey let's start here...who thinks the Berrics post of steve getting arrested is fake??? Comments please! StumbleUpon


  1. that's why no body's been commenting on my blogs. The floodgates are open...they should start pouring in now. Thanks Sissy.

    PS: FAKE...Steve Berra is a director/producer...he has actor friends out the wazzu. I'd like to see where they go from there though...could be a cool little diddy.

  2. HEY ALL THIS IS CORY !! how has everyone been? and omg, if you wanna see some dope stuff with heath footy, youtube search hISTORICS


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